
One Small Difference


One Small Difference: Step into Action for a Better World is a book for people who want to reflect on and take action for a better world. And because the desire to contribute can actually overwhelm us at times, or feel like just one thing too many on top of all our responsibilities, this book focuses on helping you get started; on taking first steps and really figuring out what it is that you can do in a way that works for you.

“Inspiring  and practical. I love its warm friendly tone, and the skillful, caring way you guide people to embody their concerns and their passions. Blessings as this  goes out into the world, and as this inspired work grows.”

 Jack Kornfield, author of The Wise Heart

Action can take any form: volunteering at the local food bank, helping your neighbors, showing up at the protests, finally getting your teaching certificate, you name it. Each of us has our own way of making a difference. “Kerry Nelson recognizes the deep, unspoken desire in every person’s heart: to connect and be of service. May it find its way into many hands!”

Joanna Macy, Author of Coming Back to Life 


Reflection involves taking time out to slow down and really consider what is meaningful. As a workbook, One Small Difference helps you answer questions about what is important to you, what you value, and how you might actually make space in your life for that.  Artist, Anna Oneglia’s Website